in the garden :: april, may, and june 2023

Wow! It’s been over a year since I posted here! Turns out creating a bunch of draft post ideas doesn’t count as posting. Ha. If you follow me over on Instagram, you may have noticed that we’ve been up to a lot! We had a huge garden last year during our first summer in our new house. It was a dream, but also a lot of work, especially when it came time to preserve, store, and use it all. We also raised a flock of geese, which was incredibly fun and a good learning experience. We butchered most of them in the fall and kept a male and female for breeding. Our female, Emelia, sat on a clutch of eggs this spring, but must not have sat consistently enough because she then abandoned them after about 30 days, which is about how long it takes for goslings to hatch. So, we now have two pet geese for another year and we’re all a little unsure about that. They can be so fun, but also so loud, obnoxious, and rather intimidating for the kids. We’ll see how long they are allowed to be apart of our homestead.

Our biggest news is that we had a baby in April! Ash Adrien was born at home, in the water, surrounded by his daddy and brothers on April 23rd. He’s happy and healthy and just starting to coo and giggle. We’re all enamored. I’m excited to write his birth story here in the coming weeks.

This year’s garden is up and running! It is not an easy feat, though, prepping and planting a garden in the same season as giving birth to a new baby. Dan has been a huge help to me this year, though. We use a broadfork to prep our garden beds and he did all of that work for me so that I could focus on planting. We had a long winter with many inches of snow remaining into the first week or so of April. But a sudden hot streak in the 80’s quickly melted what remained and dried up the ground enough for me to get most of my cool weather seeds into the ground before Ash was born. Cool weather the end of April and beginning of May also bought me time before I needed to start planting the rest, so I was able to enjoy a few weeks of slow postpartum days without feeling too much of the itch to get down to the garden.

As last year was my first year planting here, I worked with whatever soil I had. This meant that my garden actually had about 4 different types of soil in the different sections from sand loam, to forest loam, to forest clay, to thick red clay. I was so happy this spring when I found all of my soil improved and I hadn’t done much to it other than plant in it last year, add leaves and chicken bedding in the fall, and then let our chickens use the space over the winter. This year I rotated my crops a bit to work the soil in different ways and hopefully prevent tomato blight from occurring again. It was pretty bad last year.

The garden is now giving back to us with radishes, peas, green onions, strawberries, and an array of greens coming into the kitchen weekly. It has been very hard to keep up with the weeding and succession planting of radishes, herbs, and greens. Ash has had a few naps in the garden while I’ve worked and I take any little opportunity I get to pull weeds - whether its during a nap, when Dan is home, or when I’m down at the barn feeding chickens and geese. I’m not getting the hours in the garden that I love and it’s not the prettiest place right now (as my pictures humbly show), but we are growing food and working the soil and that’s what matters most.

in the garden :: april 2022

Garden season is upon us and I am so excited! If you’ve been around this space for the past several years, you know that I love gardening and that I made the most of our little urban lot in Minneapolis, but this year is different. Our new garden space is 1,600 sqft!!! That’s larger than the finished square footage of our old house! Ha! This garden is large and I’ve filled it full - at least on my garden plan. This year I am planning to grow a lot of things I’ve grown in the past like tomatoes, peppers, herbs, peas, summer squash, green beans, lettuce, potatoes, beets, strawberries, and herbs. But I’m also trying my hand a quite a few new things like winter squash, cabbage, melons, kale, and spinach.

The garden area is next to the old goat barn that we are using as a chicken coop and garden shed. We had the chickens work the ground for us in a portion of the garden over the winter and recently we moved their fenced in yard to the other side of the barn and prepared the garden area for a bigger fence that will hopefully deter the deer. (We may need to add some electric fencing to keep them out, though.) When we bought the house last fall, there were remnants of a burn pile in the clearing next to the goat barn. It was quite the burn pile and the clean up was long and laborious. I think I filled 3 5-gallon buckets with nails, hinges, door handles, and other random metal remains. I’m a little concerned about the toxicity of what was burned on this soil, but as we live in a rather dense forest, this is the best location for the garden, so I’ll work to restore the soil over the next several years.

Speaking of the soil…there are several variations of clay throughout my garden plot and it has been interesting planning what to grow and where in relation to that. I could have brought in fresh top soil, compost, or more organic matter, but it wasn’t in the budget this year and so we are making due with the bit of compost our chickens turned for us this winter and some somewhat rotted goat manure from the neighbor. The ashes from the burn pile have helped make the soil in that section of the garden a bit more loamy, so that is one plus to the potentially toxic burn pile.

We were able to use two garden gates from the original homestead, which I love! Our house was built in the 1970’s and the original homestead was a total of 20 acres. After the owners past away, the land was subdivided into two 10 acre lots. Our neighbors who own the other 10 had two old metal gates on their property - one from the original owners’ garden and one from an old animal fence. We have this gate pictured below and will have the other one opening into the chicken yard by the chickens’ automatic coop door.

So far we have some cabbages planted, peas, beets, spinach, kale, and lettuce. The boys each got to plant their own row of peas, which they were very happy about. Next week we’ll hopefully get some onion sets in the ground, along with early potatoes and some calendula and zinnias. We’ll also be adding our wedding arbor next to the gate and hopefully cleaning up some of the burn pile remnants that are now just outside of the garden fence. This property has so much clean up to do, but little by little we will get there!

happenings 'round the homestead

Fall is here and it is lovely!  Our days have been full of great things, both in and outside, both with friends and family, and a good balance of play and work.  We've really been enjoying this fall so far! 

Things around our little urban homestead are going well too, for the most part.  We are down to 8 chickens, from 11 earlier this year.  We lost 2 of our pullets this summer - one to sickness, one to a hawk, and one of our older hens to sickness or egg-binding, as well.  And while all of that is not great, we are happy that the 3 remaining pullets are starting to lay and our egg production is slowly increasing - just in time to drop off for winter! Ha!  Out of the breeds we got this spring, I'm loving our Golden Sexlink!  She is an egg-laying machine!  She's been laying for several weeks now and I don't think she's missed a single day.  We will definitely be adding more sexlinks to the flock next spring.  As for Oak, that boy loves his chickens.  Yesterday he played outside for about an hour and a good portion of that he spent sitting on a stump by the chicken coop, just talking to his chickens.  They have good talks, he and his ladies. 

The garden is slowing down, just as it should be at this time of year.  We had our first frost this week, but my sheltered garden seems to have been spared.  I think I'll pull the tomatoes and peppers this weekend, though, and try to get a cover crop to sprout before the hard freeze happens.  The temps are cool enough now that the remaining green tomatoes are unlikely to ripen.  All that will remain, then, will be the green beans, a few carrots, and the cover crops I planted in early September.  Not bad, for the middle of October!

We added a few new structures to our little backyard this summer and we've so been enjoying them!  Dan built us a shed, a firewood rack, and a fantastic sandbox for Oak!  The benches of the sandbox fold in as a lid, in order to keep all of the neighborhood kitties out - as well as any free-ranging chickens.  It's so fun to see the backyard become more and more of what we need/want for this season of life.  Our backyard may be small, but we're making the most of the space and I love it.

garden notes :: 6.18.16

I can't believe my garden has been planted for over a month now, but I have yet to share it with you!  That baby of ours has been keeping me busy!!  I am happy to report, however, that the garden is growing strong!  We've had many rainy days followed by warm sunny days and my plants are thriving!  


The garlic scapes are ready for picking!  I have a penne dish planned for tonight with sautéed scapes and asparagus with either goat cheese or parmesan to top it off.  Yum.  The peppers are also doing well.  I planted them a little closer together this year to make space for other things, and I think it's going to work out.  I'm excited about a new jalapeño that I'm trying called Biker Billy.  It's supposed to be spicier than a regular jalapeño, which my husband will appreciate. I'm also trying a new basil this year called Amethyst.  It's supposed to have thick purple leaves, but right now they are still pretty thin.  I'm excited to see how it does. 


Tucked behind the peonies in the picture above and next to the spreading mint is my new Redlake Currant bush. The plan is to espalier train it up the side of the house in order to hide the ugly cords and piping. And of course, to eventually have a nice harvest of red currants each summer! 

I'm also very pleased with the progress my creeping thyme ground cover has made over the past year!  It's starting to really fill out the space between the stepping stones!  Since I decided not to use raised beds in my garden, it's been very important to me to create a living boarder for the soil in order to help reduce soil runoff.  I think by the end of next summer it's going to be performing it's job quite nicely.  


The tomatoes are growing like weeds this summer!  I arranged them a bit differently in the garden this year in order to give them all more equal access to midday sun, which makes me hopeful for a bountiful crop!  My pole beans got a new trellis this year!  Dan built this wonderful little frame for them to climb up.  In the past I've grown them at an angle up to the neighbor's fence, but this new frame will keep them more in the direct sun and will make it easier to pick them from both sides. I'm rather excited about it.

I've been dealing with a few pests this year.  Potato bugs have been helping themselves to my tomatillo's leaves and the four lined plant bug is attempting to make itself at home in my herbs.  I've been handpicking the potato bugs and killing the larvae every day or two and I'm planning to just keep a close eye on my herbs and act only if I need to.  Pests.  Boo. 


And last, but not least, the peas!!  I've never grown peas...why??  I'm not sure!  This year, however, I decided to try them in this somewhat shady spot along the fence.  I've tried several other things there and have not had success with them.  So this year, I decided to try some peas since they can tolerate a bit of shade.  Dan built a little trellis for them too and they seem to be enjoying their home.  I started them a bit later than I'd hoped to, so hopefully it won't be too much longer before they start producing, but we'll see.  I also snuck in a row of radishes in front of them.  They seem to be enjoying their somewhat shady spot as well.  

How about you?? What do you have growing in your garden this summer?

happenings 'round the homestead

It's been a full few weeks around this little homestead of ours!  With all things baby, a trip out to Michigan to visit family, and spring springing around each corner.  Flowers are blooming, perennials are up and filling out, the garden is waiting for seeds and seedlings, and the chickens are enjoying the longer days, the rain, and the sun!  I love the softness of the spring blooms--lavenders, whites, and light pinks.  The flowers tend to be small and delicate, just like spring.  

The busyness over the past few weeks has made it a bit difficult to get the garden up and running as I'd hoped.  The soil needs to be worked and there are peas and raddishes to get in the ground.  However, it will all get done eventually, it always does!  I did get my pots planted on the deck with lettuce, swiss chard, and arugala.  The garlic, rhubarb, and herbs in the garden are also doing well!  The rain we've had over the past few days has made things really start to take off!  We'll have garlic scapes in no time!    

We got two new chicks a few weeks back and they are about ready to join the older ladies in the coop.  They been spending their days in the yard and nights under a light in the garage, but they are very curious about the older hens and can often be found looking at them through the fence. These two little ones bring us to a total of eight chickens.  The time has come for us to begin to stagger our flock and keep it young and productive.  We have decided to cull two of our hens this summer/fall for meat.  More on that later...but for now, aren't our new little chicks cute?? Their names are Violet (the brown Ameraucana) and Fingers (as in Chicken Fingers...yes...).  Fingers is a Maran and she will lay chocolate brown eggs!  I'm so very excited!  

Next week will hopefully bring lots of sunshine and time in the garden!  How about you?  What's happening around your homestead?