my new friend

The holiday season is in full swing in this house and the itch to get the Christmas making underway is definitely on my mind throughout most days.  So, with all that, I'm so very thankful for my new friend, Naomi the Janome.  (Yes, I named my new sewing machine...who doesn't?!?)  She's beautiful and we are quickly becoming close friends.  You may be wondering how Naomi came to be in my life...well, don't worry...I'm about to tell you...

You see, this past Saturday, I finally had a day with little to nothing that I had to do and I was so very excited to spend a good chunk of the day sitting at my sewing machine.  With this baby on the way, there have been several sewing projects in the works and several more on the to-do list, and so the thought of sewing for hours while Christmas music played and Christmas lights lit up the house, sounded absolutely heavenly.  So, to my machine I went!  However, after about 30 minutes of sewing, a gear on my dear old 1967 Singer Stitch & Sew broke.  Now, I've had many a gear break on me with this machine over the past several years and I've become quite good at replacing them and resetting the timing.  And while I've thought many times that it would be lovely to have a machine that didn't give me so much trouble, it has been hard to imagine not using my dear old beauty.  She has become very dear to me, as I taught myself how to sew on her and she helped me sew my wedding dress and most of Baby's quilt (still in the works!), not to mention all the many, many other creations we've made together over the years.  However, with Baby's soon approaching arrival, I had been strongly considering getting a new machine in order to make my sewing experiences more efficient and more pleasant.  About a month ago I finally decided that it was time and so I started saving a bit of money and added "Sewing Machine Funds" to my Christmas lists.  

Then, when I wound up with a broken gear and a whole open day ahead of me on Saturday...I found myself rather upset about the timing of it all.  It is crunch time for Christmas making and Baby will be here in just 3 short months!  Not to mention, I had been so very excited to make things!  Sad, I was, very sad.  There may have even been some tears (which may or may not have been brought on by pregnancy hormones).  So, I busied myself with other little projects around the house, trying not to let it ruin my lovely Saturday.  But then my sweet, sweet husband came home and brought with him my new friend Naomi--the exact sewing machine that I had been looking at and all as a "just because" gift from him.  More tears flowed at this point.  A new sewing machine?!?!?!  For me?!??!?!  Oh, dear.  I was (and still am) ecstatic!  

For now, my dear old Singer is tucked safely in her table and Naomi is sitting gracefully on a cutting board on top of her.  The difference between the two machines is amazing!  Naomi sews so smoothly and quickly and the way she winds a bobbin is quite impressive!  I must admit...I have a bit of a crush on her... Over the past few days, we've managed to make quite a bit of headway on that baby to-do list.  It feels fabulous!!  I am so very thankful for her and even more so for my wonderful husband.  He is so generous, thoughtful, and loving.  I'm blessed to have a man who knows me so well and who supports my hobbies and me so completely.  I love you a bushel and a peck, my dear.  Thank you for making me feel like a queen.