an {almost} zero-waste birthday party

It's been over a month now since our little guy turned one and since we celebrated that special day with family and friends, but I wanted to take a few minutes to share with you about the little party we threw for him!  

Have you explored the world of first birthday parties on Pinterest???  A few words to describe it would be "adorable," "amazing," "wonderful," "overwhelming," "expensive," "obsessive"....dare I say "scary"???  I have a love/hate relationship with Pinterest.  I love it as a place to keep track of links.  You can be so visually organized on Pinterest, which is awesome!  I love it for the plethora of ideas that you can find on there for just about anything and everything.  I hate it as it I think it fuels the issues that we have in this culture for constantly wanting more and being discontent with what we have.  So, as I started planning for this special one-year-old's first birthday party, I had to continually remind myself that he is one and would not remember this party, nor was the party about having perfect decorations or amazingly cute treats.  No, it was about celebrating the birth of our beloved boy with those we love. 

Simplicity became my mantra (I'm sure you're shocked, right?!) and out of that desire for simplicity grew a desire to keep this party as eco-friendly as possible.  Because, parties sure can create a lot of trash!  My goodness!  Between disposable plates, cups, pop/beer cans, utensils, plastic wrap, food waste, wrapping paper, decorations, etc., there is just a lot of trash!  So, I intentionally thought through all that would be coming in and going out and did my best to limit the trash where I could.  Here are some of the ways I was able to host an {almost} zero-waste birthday party.

  • I made a "forever" birthday banner!  I knew I wanted a birthday banner for the party and so I tossed around ideas of making one that said "one," and that could be use for subsequent children turning one...but as the usefulness of that was a bit limited, I decided, "Heck! We need a banner that can be used every year for each birthday!" And the "forever" birthday banner was born out of leftover fabric scraps, most of which hold sentimental memories, like fabric from the crib sheets, Oak's quilts, a dress I made, our wedding decor, handmade gifts for family/friends, etc.
  • I used photos as decor. I've been wanting to print a bunch of pictures and put them into albums and in frames in our stairway, and so I decided to print pictures of Oak from his first year and put them up all around the room we used for the party.  I used garden twine, mini clothes pins, and masking tape to attache them to the walls. The tape was recycled, the twine will be reused, and the mini clothes pins will be saved for other such events/decoration needs. 
  • I used things I already had for decor.  We had some leftover tree trunk slices from my brother's wedding that we used as centerpieces Also, for Oak's Halloween costume last year he was an Oak tree made out of felt leaves pinned to a shirt, so I used the felt leaves on the tables as well. 
  • I printed simple coloring sheets for the tables.  They were then recycled after the party and the crayons we used were from our church's stash, where we held the party.  We were also able to use the church's cloth tablecloths, which was awesome.


  • I bought compostable plates, cups, straws, and utensils.  These were a bit more expensive than regular plastic/paper disposables, but it was important to me to compost them rather than throw them away. 
  • I used real dishes where I could.  I brought a basketful of mason jars that we used as glasses and used real dishes for the food I brought.  Where food was concerned, the only trash we created was a bit of plastic wrap and the only recyclables were beer cans and a lemonade jar. 

I do believe that the wrapping paper ended up being thrown away, rather than recycled, as I didn't help with that clean up process, but other than that, all things were composted or recycled and clean up was pretty quick and easy! 

And for those who are wondering...I made this Harvest Cake for Oak's birthday cake.  It's made with carrots, zucchini, and beets and sweetened with mostly maple syrup.  It was probably the most nutritious cake any of us have ever eaten!  And it was very delicious!  I used all cream cheese for the frosting, instead of the goat cheese/cream cheese blend it calls for, simply to keep expenses down, but I'd love to make it again sometime with the goat cheese...because goat cheese...yum.

The party was a success!  It was simple, fun, and we had a wonderful time celebrating our little Oak tree.  He loved being with his family and friends and throughly enjoyed his cake and opening presents.  It was a fun day, indeed! 

simple, intentional giving

Christmas.  It's over and January is in full swing.  It feels great, doesn't it?!?  I love Christmas; it's one of my favorite times of the year, but when January arrives, I'm always so very ready.  I love the quiet, calm of January.  It's a great time to organize, purge, rest, and recoup.  It's a lovely month of solitude and reset, and a fabulous way to start the new year, if you ask me.  

And while January is here and we're actually nearing the end, I wanted to take a moment to share with you a few of my favorite giving moments of the holiday season.  The holidays can be so full of family and generosity, but they can also so easily be consumed by commercialism, consumption, and leave us with a feeling of needing to buy and spend more, more, and more.  As you can probably guess, if you've read even a little of my writing, that side of Christmas is not my cup of tea.  I love giving gifts, but I hate so much of what goes along with that.  Setting foot in a mall with a list in hand is nauseating to me.  I think malls should be reserved for leisurely window shopping with a best friend, coffee in hand, and babies in strollers...not for frantic Christmas shopping and navigating crowds of other desperate and rushed shoppers.  Gross.  

In the past, I've combatted these feelings by shopping online for as many things as I can, which is a great strategy for avoiding malls, but not a great one if you're looking to support your local economy.  So, this year, I tried a few other strategies (some I've done before, and some new to me as well) and I thought I'd share those with you today.  

  1. Shopping locally.  This was a new-to-me strategy.  I often shop at a few of our favorite small, local, independently-owned stores for gifts, but this year I made it my mission to buy as many gifts locally as I could, even if it meant spending a few extra dollars on them.  My reason for this was that if I truly believe that shopping locally can help our local economy and I truly value that (which I do), then buying a book for $21.95 at my local book store, rather than $16.99 on Amazon, should not be an issue.  If I'm looking at the value of my actions in the long run, then shopping locally better aligns with those values, even if it means spending a few more dollars now.  I'll share more on how I balanced that expense below.  However, buying locally also had it's challenges.  I ran into issues with things being out of stock, which meant I ended up buying a few last minute items on Amazon.  I also found that shopping at different stores in different parts of Minneapolis in December with a 10-month old is a pain in the butt.  Keeping winter hats and mittens on a baby, getting in and out of the car seat, pushing a stroller over unshoveled sidewalks, wishing I'd brought the carrier instead of the stroller, squeezing in trips to several stores between nap times and on my days was not easy, but I'm still glad I did it.  Next year, I'll start earlier and plan my errand routes and baby needs to better to improve efficiency.  
  2. Want. Need. Wear. Read. This was by far my favorite new strategy and I will keep using it for years to come!  Upon recommendation from a friend (thanks, Tina!!), we gave Oak four presents this year for Christmas, along with a few small stocking stuffers.  For the four presents, we bought something he wanted (well, what we thought he'd want), something he needed, something he'd wear, and something he'd read.  I loved this idea for a couple of reasons.  One, it made our gift-giving very intentional.  I love intentional giving, but sometimes I lack direction for that intentionality.  This solved that.  Second, it limited what I bought for him.  We buy very little for Oak on a regular basis, but I felt the urge to want to shower him with gifts at Christmas!  I saw so many things that were cute, fun, educational, but this model kept me focused and restrained, which helped me to stay on track with our desire for a simple Christmas and a simple house not full of unnecessary objects.  For his "want" we bought him a wooden pull-behind truck with wooden blocks on it, which we bought from a vender at the MN State Fair.  For his "need" we bought him a ThinkBaby stainless steel sippy cup, which I bought at our food co-op.  We are super happy with it and it was probably his favorite thing he opened, ha.  For his "wear" I knit him a new winter hat, with Malabrigo yarn from our local yarn shop.  And for his "read" we bought him the book Besos, for Baby, which he helped Daddy pick out at the local bookstore.  Four presents was plenty for him and I love the way this model gives us room to grow as he grows.  Bigger ticket items can easily be given for the want, wear, and need, and once he's older he will know what to expect with the number of presents, which will hopefully help guide and limit his Christmas wants...I know, idealistic, but it just may work. ;)
  1. Simplicity.  Buying locally did have some added expense, as I mentioned above, so to combat that, I just bought fewer things! For our sibling gift exchanges, we have spending limits and so instead of buying my brother a card game on Amazon for $14.99 and finding some other little gift for $5.00 to add on, I bought his game at a local game store (Games by James) for $19.99 and just left it at that.  Yes, in the spirit of giving, I could have given him more, but I also know that he values small, local businesses too, and so I trusted that if he knew my reasoning, he'd be completely onboard.  I did the same with our nephews.  I often feel like a good gift needs to include several things.  I'm not sure where this idea comes from, but it's a strong urge I have every time I wrap a gift.  However, for our nephews this year, I bought them each just one book.  The books ranged in price a bit, but I didn't worry about that.  I just carefully selected a book for each of them that I thought they'd like and I left it at that.  Both of these strategies helped to simplify my gift giving, in turn making shopping locally a bit more affordable.  
  2. Handmade.  I always give some handmade gifts at Christmas, and this year was no different.  This year's handmades included a hat for Oak, mittens for Dan, a cowl for my mom, felted wool balls and a felt chicken for Oak's stocking and my best friend's baby boy, and baby doll quilts and pillows for our nieces.  I love the simplicity and intentionality that go along with a handmade gift.  I'm not sure that the recipients always feel these things (especially when they are kids), but I love the love that I feel towards the recipients as I spend my evenings crafting away for them.  It makes giving so much fun.

How about you? Did you find any new ways for making your giving simpler and more intentional this year?

my new friend

The holiday season is in full swing in this house and the itch to get the Christmas making underway is definitely on my mind throughout most days.  So, with all that, I'm so very thankful for my new friend, Naomi the Janome.  (Yes, I named my new sewing machine...who doesn't?!?)  She's beautiful and we are quickly becoming close friends.  You may be wondering how Naomi came to be in my life...well, don't worry...I'm about to tell you...

You see, this past Saturday, I finally had a day with little to nothing that I had to do and I was so very excited to spend a good chunk of the day sitting at my sewing machine.  With this baby on the way, there have been several sewing projects in the works and several more on the to-do list, and so the thought of sewing for hours while Christmas music played and Christmas lights lit up the house, sounded absolutely heavenly.  So, to my machine I went!  However, after about 30 minutes of sewing, a gear on my dear old 1967 Singer Stitch & Sew broke.  Now, I've had many a gear break on me with this machine over the past several years and I've become quite good at replacing them and resetting the timing.  And while I've thought many times that it would be lovely to have a machine that didn't give me so much trouble, it has been hard to imagine not using my dear old beauty.  She has become very dear to me, as I taught myself how to sew on her and she helped me sew my wedding dress and most of Baby's quilt (still in the works!), not to mention all the many, many other creations we've made together over the years.  However, with Baby's soon approaching arrival, I had been strongly considering getting a new machine in order to make my sewing experiences more efficient and more pleasant.  About a month ago I finally decided that it was time and so I started saving a bit of money and added "Sewing Machine Funds" to my Christmas lists.  

Then, when I wound up with a broken gear and a whole open day ahead of me on Saturday...I found myself rather upset about the timing of it all.  It is crunch time for Christmas making and Baby will be here in just 3 short months!  Not to mention, I had been so very excited to make things!  Sad, I was, very sad.  There may have even been some tears (which may or may not have been brought on by pregnancy hormones).  So, I busied myself with other little projects around the house, trying not to let it ruin my lovely Saturday.  But then my sweet, sweet husband came home and brought with him my new friend Naomi--the exact sewing machine that I had been looking at and all as a "just because" gift from him.  More tears flowed at this point.  A new sewing machine?!?!?!  For me?!??!?!  Oh, dear.  I was (and still am) ecstatic!  

For now, my dear old Singer is tucked safely in her table and Naomi is sitting gracefully on a cutting board on top of her.  The difference between the two machines is amazing!  Naomi sews so smoothly and quickly and the way she winds a bobbin is quite impressive!  I must admit...I have a bit of a crush on her... Over the past few days, we've managed to make quite a bit of headway on that baby to-do list.  It feels fabulous!!  I am so very thankful for her and even more so for my wonderful husband.  He is so generous, thoughtful, and loving.  I'm blessed to have a man who knows me so well and who supports my hobbies and me so completely.  I love you a bushel and a peck, my dear.  Thank you for making me feel like a queen. 

my wedding dress

I've dreamed about my wedding since the day I first understood what the word wedding meant.  Every sleepover I had in elementary school and junior high was filled with giggles and innocent dreams about that day and all that it would hold.  The dress, of course, was one of the most important thoughts.  Would it be long and flowing?  Would the veil cover my face?  Would the dress sparkle in the candlelight??  I was a dreamer and for as long as I can remember, these thoughts have filled my mind.  

Once the reality of wedding bells grew closer, though, I began to realize that the dreams in my head of that perfect dress were going to be hard to satisfy.  You see, I'm rather picky when it comes to clothes.  This is mostly due to my love for vintage clothing, especially dresses from the 1950's.  When I picture the perfect dress in my mind, I see a full skirt with a fluffy petticoat peaking out from below the hem.  As I began to think through what type and style of wedding dress I really wanted to have, I began to realize that it was going to be very hard to come by, especially with my rather limited budget.  

So, I came to the only decision that made sense:  I decided to make my own dress. 

Now, at the time I was a novice seamstress, at best.  I had made a few aprons with full bodices, a couple simple dresses, a skirt, and a few random other things.  But, you see, I have this philosophy on life that if it's possible to make it myself, then, by golly, I'll make it myself!!  Because, you see, up until the last sixty years or so, women often made their own wedding dresses (or their mothers/grandmothers made them) and I do so despise the fact that we are losing the art of sewing in our society.  So, with all that in mind, I figured, it couldn't be that hard---I could, and would, figure it out.  And, so, I did! 

I found a picture of a vintage dress pattern, that I absolutely adored and a few pictures of wedding dresses that had a similar feel and I used them all as inspiration for my design.  (The sources for these images are long forgotten.  My apologies!)  I was able to use the picture of the back of the vintage dress pattern to give me an idea for the amount of fabric I would eventually need.  

I then ordered my fabric online, which took a lot of searching to find just what I was looking for! The sheer overlay ended up coming from an Etsy store based out of China and the main fabric of the dress I found at Joann.  

Then came the most challenging part--designing the pattern.  As I sat in my chilly apartment that winter and stared at my sketches before me, I regretted all of the times that I had thought that fractions were a waste of time...I decided through this designing endeavor that my future children will learn the practicality of fractions.  They are rather necessary in so many of the projects I find myself doing! 

After the initial pattern was designed and cut out of tracing paper, I got to working making my first sample dress out of an old white sheet.  

Although I thoroughly documented this entire process, I unfortunately lost the majority of the pictures in an unexpected phone crash right before the wedding.  Out of all of the pictures I lost, the ones of my dress were the most disappointing.  

After the white sheet dress was finished, I made a few adjustments and then started on the second sample, this one was made out of an adorable vintage sheet set with bright yellow flowers that I had slept on for years at our beloved cabin.  I ended up wearing that dress for my family bridal shower, which was perfectly delightful!  Those photos were also lost. Boo. 

Then, about a month before the wedding (Hah!!! Yikes, is right!!), I started on my actual wedding dress.  It came together rather quickly and I was so happy with the pattern tweaks that I had made along the way.  The final product was exactly what I wanted.  It fell to the perfect spot on my legs, it twirled just right, and I felt my absolute best in it.  

I also made my hair piece and veil, which were by far the easiest parts of the project, but they added just the right amount of vintage flair and feathered spunk to my full ensemble (especially when paired with my mustard pumps)!  Oh, I did so love how everything turned out!!

Now, I as I said earlier this week, I wanted to write about our wedding as a way to inspire.  I realize that the majority of the brides out there are not going to make their own dresses, and that's honestly not why I'm writing about this.  I am sharing it with you, though, to help you think outside of the box.  My dress, shoes, and accessories ended up costing me less than $200.  I made everything except my jewelry (a pearl necklace and earrings, which my mom had bought me for my 18th birthday) and my shoes, which I found online after months of searching.  The point is, when you stop to think about it, there are lots of ways to get creative with weddings and any event, for that matter.  Why spend so much money for something that so many people end up sealing away in a box and sliding under their bed?!  

For me, I couldn't do it.  So, I figured out an alternative.  And as for storing that lovely dress of mine?  It hangs in the closet of our spare bedroom so that each year, when our anniversary comes 'round, I can pull it out, put it on, and let my husband twirl me around our living room with our wedding songs filling the air with their sweet, sweet melodies.  

a yolk blouse

I had big plans this summer of sewing up a storm!  However, as most of my creative plans go, there has been very little sewing happening in this house over the past couple months.  With August now upon us, the itch to make things and check things off my list has grown and I've found myself sitting in my sun room, as I call it, many times over the past two weeks either making plans, or making things!  It's been lovely!

This week, I finished a yolk blouse for myself!  It turned out exactly how I wanted it to and I'm throughly pleased with the result!  I created the pattern based on a simple yolk dress that I've had for several years.  It was fun to take something that fits me so well and adapt it to make a different article of clothing.  The fabric was a lovely cream and green vintage floral that my brother gave me for my last birthday.  Such a thoughtful gift!

It's so fun to see dream up something in my head and then be able to wear it just a few days later!  It's also been good to spend multiple hours in my sewing area, while listening to chickens cluck in the garden and yard just outside the window.  I truly am soaking up these last few weeks of my summer break!