berries, a baby, and nap-time jam

I've dreamed for years about berry picking with my little ones.  Picking berries and tucking them away to be used all year is something that I'm rather passionate about and so the thought of sharing that with my children and teaching them about the importance of local, seasonal food has been something I've been looking forward to for years.  In my dreams I imagined picking berries for hours with a happy, little baby on my back.  The reality of that looked somewhat different, but in the end I did pick strawberries with a baby on my back and I'm so glad I did!  He wasn't too pleased about the whole back thing and a short morning nap made for a tired, fussy baby while picking, but he eventually fell asleep and my friend Amy and I were able to pleasantly pick berries and chat.   Over the years, I've found that the berry patch is a wonderful place for deep conversation.  Your hands are busy with a menial task and so it's easy to open up and really share what's going on in life and I love that.  


I ended up with 10+ pounds of strawberries and was able to go home that afternoon and put them all into their assigned places!  Three pounds went into the freezer to be used the rest of the year in kombucha, smoothies, and sauces.  Some were sliced up to be eaten with brownies and ice cream for a gathering of friends that evening.  Some were put into a second ferment of kombucha and others into a pint of vodka (Spiked Strawberry Mint Lemonade, anyone??).  Some were set aside for a pie.  Some were put in the fridge for fresh eating.  And the rest were made into jam!  Nap-time Jam, that is!  It's amazing what a determined mama can accomplish during a decent nap-time!  By the time that boy of ours had woken up from an afternoon nap, I had successfully washed, hulled, and put away all of the strawberries, made and canned jam, and cleaned up the kitchen!  Success!!  It felt amazing, I must say!  Now, if only all nap times were that productive!  

Strawberries!  I do love them.  And I love being able to enjoy their summer freshness all year round.  It makes their short season so very enjoyable. How about you?  What do you love to do with seasonal strawberries? 


garden notes :: 6.18.16

I can't believe my garden has been planted for over a month now, but I have yet to share it with you!  That baby of ours has been keeping me busy!!  I am happy to report, however, that the garden is growing strong!  We've had many rainy days followed by warm sunny days and my plants are thriving!  


The garlic scapes are ready for picking!  I have a penne dish planned for tonight with sautéed scapes and asparagus with either goat cheese or parmesan to top it off.  Yum.  The peppers are also doing well.  I planted them a little closer together this year to make space for other things, and I think it's going to work out.  I'm excited about a new jalapeño that I'm trying called Biker Billy.  It's supposed to be spicier than a regular jalapeño, which my husband will appreciate. I'm also trying a new basil this year called Amethyst.  It's supposed to have thick purple leaves, but right now they are still pretty thin.  I'm excited to see how it does. 


Tucked behind the peonies in the picture above and next to the spreading mint is my new Redlake Currant bush. The plan is to espalier train it up the side of the house in order to hide the ugly cords and piping. And of course, to eventually have a nice harvest of red currants each summer! 

I'm also very pleased with the progress my creeping thyme ground cover has made over the past year!  It's starting to really fill out the space between the stepping stones!  Since I decided not to use raised beds in my garden, it's been very important to me to create a living boarder for the soil in order to help reduce soil runoff.  I think by the end of next summer it's going to be performing it's job quite nicely.  


The tomatoes are growing like weeds this summer!  I arranged them a bit differently in the garden this year in order to give them all more equal access to midday sun, which makes me hopeful for a bountiful crop!  My pole beans got a new trellis this year!  Dan built this wonderful little frame for them to climb up.  In the past I've grown them at an angle up to the neighbor's fence, but this new frame will keep them more in the direct sun and will make it easier to pick them from both sides. I'm rather excited about it.

I've been dealing with a few pests this year.  Potato bugs have been helping themselves to my tomatillo's leaves and the four lined plant bug is attempting to make itself at home in my herbs.  I've been handpicking the potato bugs and killing the larvae every day or two and I'm planning to just keep a close eye on my herbs and act only if I need to.  Pests.  Boo. 


And last, but not least, the peas!!  I've never grown peas...why??  I'm not sure!  This year, however, I decided to try them in this somewhat shady spot along the fence.  I've tried several other things there and have not had success with them.  So this year, I decided to try some peas since they can tolerate a bit of shade.  Dan built a little trellis for them too and they seem to be enjoying their home.  I started them a bit later than I'd hoped to, so hopefully it won't be too much longer before they start producing, but we'll see.  I also snuck in a row of radishes in front of them.  They seem to be enjoying their somewhat shady spot as well.  

How about you?? What do you have growing in your garden this summer?

happenings 'round the homestead

It's been a full few weeks around this little homestead of ours!  With all things baby, a trip out to Michigan to visit family, and spring springing around each corner.  Flowers are blooming, perennials are up and filling out, the garden is waiting for seeds and seedlings, and the chickens are enjoying the longer days, the rain, and the sun!  I love the softness of the spring blooms--lavenders, whites, and light pinks.  The flowers tend to be small and delicate, just like spring.  

The busyness over the past few weeks has made it a bit difficult to get the garden up and running as I'd hoped.  The soil needs to be worked and there are peas and raddishes to get in the ground.  However, it will all get done eventually, it always does!  I did get my pots planted on the deck with lettuce, swiss chard, and arugala.  The garlic, rhubarb, and herbs in the garden are also doing well!  The rain we've had over the past few days has made things really start to take off!  We'll have garlic scapes in no time!    

We got two new chicks a few weeks back and they are about ready to join the older ladies in the coop.  They been spending their days in the yard and nights under a light in the garage, but they are very curious about the older hens and can often be found looking at them through the fence. These two little ones bring us to a total of eight chickens.  The time has come for us to begin to stagger our flock and keep it young and productive.  We have decided to cull two of our hens this summer/fall for meat.  More on that later...but for now, aren't our new little chicks cute?? Their names are Violet (the brown Ameraucana) and Fingers (as in Chicken Fingers...yes...).  Fingers is a Maran and she will lay chocolate brown eggs!  I'm so very excited!  

Next week will hopefully bring lots of sunshine and time in the garden!  How about you?  What's happening around your homestead?

a {home}birth story :: oak alexander

Throughout my pregnancy, I read birth story after birth story and each time I read one I felt more empowered and more capable of the task that was ahead of me.  Each story reminded me that birth is a natural process and one that my body was created to experience and to succeed at.  Each story combatted the fear that our society often places around birth and replaced it with confidence, excitement, and anticipation.  Each story made my own story more of a reality.  So, with that, I wanted to share my story with you, in hopes that it would do the same for you.  

Monday, February 22nd, was just a normal day for me, or so I thought.  I went to work, taught my class, graded a few presentations, and cleaned up my desk a bit in preparations for my final days at the office.  You see, I was scheduled to work through the end of that week and my baby was due the following week, so it was preparation time indeed!  I felt that the baby had dropped that day and I found myself waddling around campus a bit more than usual, but that was to be expected as I was approaching the 39th week mark.  After work that day, I went to my usual Monday chiropractor appointment and then on to my prenatal yoga class.  At the chiropractor, the office staff commented on how my belly was sitting a bit lower than it had the week before and they were all placing bets on when our little one would arrive.  I told them I was pretty sure it wasn't going to be that week...I mean, I had 4 days left of work and I really wanted to wrap things up and walk away with a clean slate.  Besides, I had a prenatal massage scheduled for Saturday, and that sounded so very lovely.  At yoga, I felt so motivated and so strong.  My body had been craving the workout all day and every stretch felt so good and so empowering.  As we squatted and held our goddess poses, I pictured myself laboring and breathing through contractions and I heard the verse that would become my mantra go through my head: "I can do all things through him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13, NIV).  That evening at home Dan and I went about our usual business.  I put my tomato and pepper order together for my summer garden, while Dan worked and played on his computer.  It was a low-key and relaxing evening.  

Around 10:30 or 11:00 that evening as we got ready for bed, I had my first sign that labor was nearing.  I lost a bit of my mucus plug along with a bit of bloody show (for those who are unfamiliar with the events of childbirth, I realize this may sound disgusting, but it is in fact a normal part of the birth process).  The sight of the blood brought a bit of a giggle to my lips as I sat in the bathroom a bit shocked and unsure of what to make of it.  I told Dan and also told him that this happens to some women weeks before they actually give birth, so it may not mean anything.  I then proceeded to call my best friend and we giddily discussed what this could or could not mean for the timing of this impending birth.  After getting off the phone with her, I texted my midwife, who promptly called me and wanted me to tell her all the details.  She told me to go to sleep and call her in the morning to tell her if anything changed.  So, with strict instructions to myself to not get too excited and to simply go to sleep, since I had to work in the morning, I willed myself to sleep.  

Around 12:30 am I woke up to my first contraction.  It felt like a strong menstrual cramp, a feeling I know well, and a feeling that I hadn't felt in over 9 months.  (I didn't realize until later that the full moon peaked over our house within 15 minutes of my first contraction! I LOVE this, as last spring I had really been trying to sync my cycle with the moon cycles!  The fact that my labor started at the peak of a full moon tells me that my attempts were at least somewhat successful!!)  I slept off and on through continued light contractions until around 5:00 am when I felt that they were getting a bit more regular.  At that point, I downloaded an app and started timing them.  After an hour of contractions that were lasting about 30 seconds and coming every 5-7 minutes, I figured it was time to wake Dan and let him know that our baby was probably on the way.  He was so calm as I told him, which didn't surprise me as he is always calm in situations like these.  We got out of bed a bit later and he made me a big bowl of oatmeal with raisins, walnuts, and molasses to give my body a bit of energy for the events ahead.  I then proceeded to email work and tell them that I would not be teaching my classes that day--or the rest of the week--as I was HAVING A BABY!!!  I talked to my midwife around this time as well and she told me to stay active, rest when I needed to, and eat.  That all sounded good at the time, but within an hour or so the contractions were reaching a level of intensity where I was ready to move upstairs and stay there.  I had anticipated and somewhat worried about this moment.  I knew that once I was ready to go upstairs that I would stay there for at least a week (more on my postpartum convalescence in a later post), and I worried that when the time came I wouldn't want to commit to going up those stairs.  However, when the time actually came, that thought was nowhere to be found.  All I could think about was that my back was hurting with each contraction and upstairs sounded far more comfortable than the couch.  So, up the stairs I went and stayed.  I think this was around 10:30 or so in the morning of Tuesday, February 23rd.  

I proceeded to labor and work through contractions upstairs while Dan got the birth tub ready and a few of the other supplies pulled together.  With the baby coming a week early, we were mostly ready, but not quite.  Dan had to run to the hardware store to buy a hose and faucet adapter for the birth tub and there still were a few things that I hadn't checked off the birth supplies list.  It all worked out in the end, though, and we realized later that there was no need to rush any of these preparations as we were in this thing for the long haul! 

One of my midwives stopped by mid-afternoon with a missing piece for the birth tub and while she was there she checked my vitals.  All was well with me and Baby and so she left me with instructions to try a few different positions and to rest as I could through contractions.  The midwives told us to stay in touch and they would return when the baby was closer.  By 4:00 pm or so, Dan and I felt that things were picking up quite a bit.  Our doula came about 4:30 and Joanna, our apprentice midwife, came around 5:00.  Once Joanna was there, she once again checked my vitals and listened to the baby's heart.  After confirming that all was well, she knelt down in front of me to break the news to me that neither Dan nor Anna, our doula, knew how to tell me---Jeanne, our other midwife, had to attend another birth and she was sending a backup midwife to us in her place.  At this point, tears began to uncontrollably stream down my face.  I logically knew and told myself that everything was going to be OK and that I wasn't actually that upset by the news.  However, my body and emotions were acting separately from my mind and the tears continued to fall.  I knew that it wasn't worth my energy and effort to dwell on it, though, so I said, "OK," and continued laboring on.  

My labor was not easy, really at any point.  I had been having back labor all afternoon and around the time that our doula arrived, the back labor intensified.  We found that the only thing that relieved the pain during these contractions was to have either Dan or Anna push on my hips throughout the contraction. It was amazing how much relief this gave me!  As labor continued, Dan and Anna took turns helping me with this (for which I was so very grateful!!).  Shortly after the midwives arrived, they had me get in the birth tub.  They hoped it would be a pain reliever and also get me moving in a different position.  I had hoped for this as well, but was unfortunately surprised to find that because of the back labor, the water did little to relieve the pain.  It was hard for Dan to push on my hips during contractions while I was in the tub.  Because of this, I spent a lot of time on my hands and knees while in the water, which was only somewhat comfortable.  Around 6:30, my wonderful chiropractor paid us a visit.  My emotions got the best of me again as I heard her voice in the entryway and saw her face when she got to the top of the stairs.  There was something so comforting about having her there with me, even if it was only for a short time.  She had seen me more than my midwives throughout this pregnancy and she knows my body so very well.  It comforted me so much to know that she might be able to help my baby come faster, safer, and maybe with less pain.  After her adjustments, my contractions intensified for a bit.  Baby and my body were trying so very hard to progress, and they were, but rather slowly!  

Throughout the last few weeks of my pregnancy, we had known that Baby wasn't in the ideal position.  At times he had been posterior and other times he was transverse.  It is possible to birth a baby who is in either of these positions, but it tends to make labor harder and longer.  Once labor started, we knew that Baby was still not in the ideal position, so the midwives had me try a few different positions to try to get the baby to move.  Even with all of our attempts, though, he did not move, and labor continued at an intense, yet slow, pace.  One of the positions that I tried was an inversion where I had to lay with my chest and face on the bed, arms back, and butt in the air.  I laid this way for 45 minutes.  Throughout the inversion, and the contractions during the inversion, my kitty Siah stayed right by my side.  In fact, he stayed with me for all most all of the labor and was even in and out of the room during the pushing stage.  He was so calm and peaceful, even during the tribal yells and screams that erupted from my mouth through each contraction.  He was an important part of my birth team and I'm so very thankful for him.  Having him there comforted me and made me so very happy.  

Around 9:00 or 10:00 pm, Joanna told me that Jeanne had finished up at her other birth and that she was on her way to me.  I was so happy and relieved!  She arrived around 11:00 and her presence was another source of comfort.  I got in the tub again after she arrived and at one point, between two very intense contractions, I remember looking back at her, longing for some sort of reassurance that I could do this.  She locked eyes with me and gave me a gentle nod.  It was what I needed, and I continued on.  While I was in the tub, the midwives checked my cervix for the first time.  I was fully dilated and mostly effaced and I was having pushing urges.  They had me get out of the tub and lay on the bed on my side.  I hardly remember this part, but I guess I pushed on the bed for about an hour.  They then had me move down to the floor at the end of the bed and into a squatting position.  This baby was having a hard time coming out and they wanted gravity on our side as I pushed.  I proceeded to push for about another hour in this position.  While I was pushing, Jeanne worked to help the baby descend as he was still in that less than ideal position.  Babies usually crown at the back top part of their head, but our baby was crowing on the front right side of his head.  This made his head seem a bit larger as it tried to come out, which required more of my body.  As he started to crown, they had me kneel with one knee and put my other leg up with my foot on the ground in order to open my pelvis up a bit more.  This gave Jeanne more room to work and gave the baby more room to make his entrance.  It was at this point that Anna got my best friend Jada on FaceTime.  Jada and I had wanted her to be at the birth, but she lives in Texas and wasn't planning to get up to Minnesota until the following week when the baby was due.  Having her on FaceTime was the next best thing to having her there.  They all expected the baby to arrive shortly after this point, but it was almost another hour before he did.  This last bit of pushing was so very hard.  I was extremely exhausted and was in need of nourishment.  I had eaten chicken and barely soup in the afternoon, but had thrown it up in the evening.  Anna had also fed me most of a banana and a few juice cubes during my second time in the birth tub, but other than that, I hadn't had anything else to eat.  Looking back, this was a mistake as I needed the energy from food.  However, I don't think any of us expected things to take as long as they did and so until Jeanne got there, food just wasn't on my radar.  In order to give me energy while I was pushing, Anna fed me spoonfuls of yogurt and honey between my contractions.  My legs were so weak and Dan held me up as I kneeled and squatted at the end of the bed.  As I kneeled, my feet kept falling asleep and so I had to switch which leg was up every few contractions.  However, since I was so weak, Dan and Anna had to help me switch legs.  In spite of my exhaustion, I was alert enough to ask for water between almost every contraction, yet I was also exhausted and relaxed enough to fall asleep between contractions.  I don't remember this at all, but supposedly I would fall asleep enough to start snoring!  The body is an amazing thing!  It was around this time that my water broke, and after that, in order to keep me going at two different points, Jeanne had me reach down and feel my baby's head as it crowned.  Dan later told me that when I did that my energy and determination grew so much right afterwards.  

Throughout the labor, I don't remember ever saying that I couldn't do it.  I remember saying that I wanted to be done and that I wanted and needed the baby to come very soon, but I didn't say that I couldn't do it.  I knew that I could and I knew that I had to.  In my mind there wasn't another option.  After he was born, someone asked me if I was worried at any point that I would have to transfer to the hospital due to the long labor and my exhaustion.  This thought had not crossed my mind.  I trusted my birth team to know what to do, but I also was never afraid that I couldn't do it.  As I said before, Philippians 4:13 was my mantra.  Throughout my 28+ hours of labor I said, "I can do all things," over and over and over again.  Between contractions, that is what came out of my mouth, along with things like, "come on, Baby!" "I can do this!" and "Move into the right position, Baby!"  I knew that my body and my baby could work together to do this, and that Jesus would give me the strength we needed to do so.  

And that is exactly what happened.

At 4:47 am on Wednesday, February 24, our baby's head was born and at 4:48 his entire body followed.  He came out crying a muffled cry, as he had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck three times and once around his stomach!  They later said that my umbilical cord was unusually long and straight and so even though it was wrapped so many times it was not pulled tight.  This was also one of the reasons that he had had trouble getting into the proper position.  The umbilical cord prevented him from moving the way he needed to.  Within a few seconds of him being born, Jeanne had that cord off and his cry became strong and very loud.  As I was so weak, they helped me slowly turn around and sit down on the floor so I could hold him.  I'm sure this all took just a minute, but it seemed like an eternity.  I remember having to carefully maneuver my weak legs and feet around the umbilical cord which was on the floor in order to sit.  It seems like such a funny thing to remember so distinctly, but I was very concerned and focused on this in that moment.  After I was seated Jeanne placed our baby in my arms.  A few moments passed before I realized that we didn't know if our baby was a boy or girl, so I reached my hand down to investigate!  Dan and I were rather certain that this little babe of ours was a girl, but to our surprise, I found that the babe in my arms was indeed a boy!!  Our baby boy was here!!!!!  He was healthy and strong!!  And and my labor was over!!!!  (Well, besides that pesky placenta!)  

After checking the baby's and my vitals, they got us up on the bed.  I was bleeding a bit and was extremely exhausted and weak.  In order to stop the bleeding as soon as possible, since in my exhausted state they didn't want me to lose any more blood, they gave me a shot of Pitocin.  They then examined me to see how badly I had torn.  Since Baby had crowned in the wrong position, it was a lot harder for my body to stretch like it was supposed to.  As he had descended and crowned, my midwives knew that I would likely tear, but they both did their best to keep it as minimal possible.  At this point, I think the three of us were all a bit concerned about what they would find.  I figured I had torn and I knew that if the tear was really bad, I would have to go to the hospital to be stitched up by an OBGYN.  The tear was bad, but thankfully, not bad enough to require a transfer.  For this we were all thankful; as I was so weak, the thought of moving was a bit unfathomable.  

Around this time is when we told our birth team what our beautiful baby boy's name was to be.  Oak Alexander Rodriguez.  Oak, like the tree, for it's strength and ability to withstand harsh conditions and Alexander for Dan's little brother who passed away back in 2001.  In Oak's few short weeks with us we've seen him live up to his name.  With his difficult birth, challenging first few days, and his ability to hold his head up from the beginning, we've seen this little boy of ours display great strength in spite of challenges, and we are so very thankful for that.  

Back to that pesky took about an hour for it to come and after pushing a baby out for 3 hours, I found pushing the placenta out to be rather awful.  I had read that this was the easy part...but my body strongly disagreed.  Those final contractions made my whole body shake as my exhausted stomach muscles gave what little was left of them to push that thing out.  Once it was done, what little adrenaline and energy I had left quickly vanished.  The midwives moved me up to the head of the bed, where they did a comprehensive newborn exam on our little one.  He was a big boy measuring 8 lbs, 8 oz, and 22.25 inches long!   Then then cleaned up and set me all up with herbal teas and compresses for the hours and days ahead.  They left about 4 hours after Oak was born, knowing that my mom would be over within the hour to take care of us, as we all needed to be taken care of! 

Looking back at my birth now, I'm so incredibly thankful that we made the decisions that we did.  My labor was not easy.  In fact, it was very, very long and very, very hard.  However, because it was at home, it was peaceful, comfortable, and completely natural.  I knew my body was capable, but I needed to be allowed to labor at the pace my body and baby required.  If we had planned a hospital birth, I may not have been allowed to have a natural, vaginal birth.  There likely would have been interventions, and possibly a C-Section, due to my long labor and long pushing stage.  I didn't want this and so I'm so very thankful for the experience that I did have.  It was not easy, but I did it!  And because I did it, our baby was welcomed into this world surrounded by people who loved him, who cared deeply for us all, and into a home that was peaceful and welcoming.  This is what we wanted and we are so very thankful that it was what we got.  

Welcome, my precious little Oak.  You are so very loved.  

The amazing birth photos were taken by our friend and doula Anna Botz.  Our midwife was Jeanne Bazille with Peacefully Born Traditional Midwifery.  Also, a big thank you to my dear husband.  He was my strong and steady partner through the whole birth and I'm so very thankful for him.  

oak alexander

He is here!!!!!! Oak Alexander Rodriguez was born peacefully at home, surrounded by an amazing birth team, one week ago today on Wednesday, February 24th, in the wee hours of the morning. He was 8 lbs, 8 oz, and 22.25" long. He is a happy, healthy boy and we are enjoying him so much!  Today was his "due" date, but we are so thankful that our big boy came a week early!  

I'll write more about his birth and our first experiences together in the coming weeks. For now, though, I'm going to simply keep enjoying my sweet little baby. 


when keeping chickens doesn't go as planned

When we first got our chickens almost two years ago, we told ourselves that they were not pets, even though we were decided to name them.  We planned to raise them for eggs, and eventually meat.  While some backyard chicken keepers let their chickens live, retire, and die of old age, we decided from the beginning that wasn't the road we were going to take.  We wanted to raise chickens for food and in order to do that, we decided that at some point we would cull (a nicer word for butcher) a few of them in order to keep our flock young and productive.  

Well...what I hadn't expected was that the first chicken to die on our watch would not be by our own hands, or by a predator, but instead would be because of the cold.  Two weeks ago, we lost our first chicken...Chicken the chicken, one of our two Plymouth Rocks, started molting at the end of January and within a few days she had lost a lot of her feathers.  The week that she died was a tough one for us.  We were both rather busy, I was coming down with a nasty cold, and the short, cold days left us with little time to really check on how our hens were doing.  The morning of the day she passed, we both saw that she had dropped a lot of feathers and we told each other as we left for the day that we needed to check on her later that day and make sure she was staying warm enough.  However, by that night she was gone.  She had lost many more feathers while we were gone that day and her little body was unable to withstand the cold.  Dan found her when he closed them up for the night and we were both so sad to know how she had died and that had we been home that day we probably could have saved her.  

It was in that moment, though, where we cried together as we mourned the loss of our first hen, that we also knew that we needed to honor her by trying to save as much meat from her body as we could.  Some may view this a morbid or inhumane, but coming from a family of hunters and meat-eaters, we've both learned that if you take an animal's life (or it dies on your watch), then the best way to honor its life is to not let its death be in vain.  So, Dan did his best to keep what he could of her body in order to further nourish our family.  

Chicken is the one in the front of the picture above and on the right in the picture below. 

Since she died we've had a renewed sense of responsibility and stewardship for our little flock.  They seem so self-sufficient at times, but we've been reminded by Chicken's death as well as two close calls with a possum and a raccoon that their lives are actually pretty fragile and its our job to ensure their safety and health.  Our other girls have all faired the cold very well and their egg production has started increasing again with these longer, sunnier days.  With our first hen gone, we've also started thinking about what lies next for our little flock.  It might be time to cull a couple and add another round of chicks.  We shall see as the next two months unfold.  What we do know, however, is that we enjoy raising backyard hens and despite the challenges and expenses, we are excited to keep moving forward and to simply learn from the past.   We miss Chicken, the chicken, but we are thankful for the eggs she provided, the meat in our freezer, and the joy she brought to our backyard.  Rest in peace, pretty bird.  May your life and death teach us how to be the best chicken keepers we can be. 

birth blends

I apologize to all of you readers out there who are not interested in all of the baby things that I've been posting lately...but they are consuming my thoughts and life and so there has been little else to post about!  Ha!  As we prepare for birth and to welcome this little one into our home and arms, I wanted to make a few essential oil blends that would aid us in that process.  As I've mentioned before, I love essential oils, but I'm not a fan of the hype that often surrounds them.  They have fabulous uses, but I like to keep it on the simple side and I buy brands that are readily available and affordable to me.  You can read a bit more about my take on essential oils here.  With that being said, I also love to make my own blends!  It's so fun to learn about all of the different oils and then to blend them together to make just the aroma that I'm looking for.  So, for baby and myself I made two different blends.  

The first one I made I called Sleep, Baby Sleep.  It's a calming blend that promotes sleep, calm, and peace for the new little one (as well as us).  I have a feeling that a few drops of that in the diffuser will likely become a regular bedtime ritual in our home.  

The second blend I called Mama Love and I plan to diffuse it and possibly use it topically during labor, birth, and in the weeks following.  The blend is very similar to the Sleep, Baby Sleep blend as it also promotes calm, rest, and relaxation.  However, it also includes Clary Sage which is a good oil to promote labor and lactation.  I also plan to use this blend in the future for a mood lifter and pain reliever during that trying time of the month.  

Sleep, Baby Sleep

50 drops lavender

40 drops rose geranium

30 drops bergamot

30 drops lemon

30 drops sweet orange

20 drops roman chamomile

20 drops ylang ylang

Mama Love

25 drops bergamot

25 drops clary sage

25 drops lavender

25 drops sweet orange

10 drops lemon

10 drops rose geranium

5 drops roman chamomile

5 drops ylang ylang

How about you??  Are there certain essential oils or blends that you love to use for these purposes or other purposes?  I'd love to hear about them!